We finally had some warmer spring sunshine here for the 1st time this
year, so out on the bike yesterday with 4 of the dads from Tom's school for
a 'quick' 95kms into the Welsh hills - unfortunately 2 of them are ironmen triathletes, and the other 2 are seasoned running/bike enthusiasts. This created 2 problems. No 1 - good cyclists don't want to stop after 20kms "for a quick cuppa and a piece of cake" which leads onto problem No 2 - for the final 30kms, there was just absolutely nothing left in the legs and I struggled to keep up
Did manage to eventually make that cafe stop, but at 75kms, it was too little too late and even a pint of milkshake and a piece of banana cake did not make that final 20kms back home into a slight headwind any easier. Needless to say the remainder of the day was spent lying on the sofa recovering

Distance:- 95kms
Time:- 3hrs 54mins
Total ascent:- 550m
Sunday 13th February
Vowing to not venture out onto a bike for at least a week, the arrival of a text message at 8.42am this morning enquiring as to whether Tom and I would care to go mountain biking this afternoon was not met with the usual enthusiam that it might normally be.
However, never wishing to miss-out (that's me, not Tom), we packed the car up to set off later on in the day and proceeded to have a fantastically enjoyable afternoon (despite the rain) at the Llandegla mountain bike centre in Wales with a bunch of Tom's friends and their parents:-

We all got soaked, especially the kids who for some reason particularly enjoyed repeatedly running through this water feature?? er, not that we were egging them on or anything...

Half way round the 5km circuit, the pedal on my mountain bike fell off!?
Unable to fix, but undeterred, an improvised cleat system was quickly rigged up:-

..but perished immediately after a 1 and a half turns of the pedals. This led to an interesting pedalling gait for the remainder of the course, but we all got back in 1 piece, apart from young Daniel who (quote from Tom) - "he actually went flying over his handlebars" as he careered down one of the slippery descents. Poor fella - but not bad for a 6yr old and respect also to George, who at just 4yrs old, must be one of the youngest cyclists to have successfully cycled through the 2m wide and 6 inch deep stream pictured above and made it (just) to the other side! Good work all round kids
Distance:- 5kms
Time:- about 1 and a half hours!
Total ascent: ?

PS. Notes to self:-
- next time - don't wear jeans
- when a friend offers to loan you their new mountain bike that "Hey, I got this free when I purchased a TV and DVD player", kindly decline (spot the missing pedal)